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In the province of Ontario, prostheses are priced according to procedure and componentry costs.

Procedure costs (device fitting, fabrication, etc.)

Governed by the Ontario Ministry of Health Assistive Devices Program (ADP).

Componentry costs ( hands, feet, silicone liners, etc.)

Determined by the Ontario Ministry of Health (ADP) approved pricing formula of the Ontario Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists.


Available through the Assistive Devices program for any resident of Ontario who has a valid health card issued with their name, and is an amputee.
ADP covers a portion of the cost for conventional upper and lower limb prostheses and powered upper limb prostheses. Recreational or specialty device costs are the responsibility of the patient.

Social Assistance recipients on the Ontario Works Program (OW)

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) or the program for Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD), will have a greater amount paid by ADP. Many private insurance plans will cover a portion or all of the remainder of the cost.

Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) claimants and Group "A" veterans

(WSIB) claimants and Group "A" veterans Have access to funding from their specific agencies. Depending on your situation, assistance may be available from the The War Amputations of Canada Adult Prosthetic Program or the CHAMP Program for child amputees.

In most cases, a variety of funding agencies will be accessed for payment of the prosthesis and the remainder of the cost is the responsibility of the patient.

Loewen Prosthetic Services is a Registered Provider With: DVA, NIHB, WSIB, Green Shield, War Amps and Champ Program.  We Work With Most Major Health Insurance Providers, For More Information Please Contact Us 

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